Making change happen

Making change happen

We live in what has been termed VUCA times: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Certainly the past few years have seen the world turned upside down by a pandemic and now by a war that threatens peace in Europe. But given it was the Greek philosopher Heraclitus...

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Be more curious

Be more curious

Things not going quite right with someone you’re working with but you’re not sure how to broach the topic? Worried about upsetting someone, but feeling increasingly frustrated by their behaviour or assumptions?  Too often we allow things that are not working to...

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Small is do-able

Small is do-able

A lot of us at this stage in the pandemic are – frankly - knackered. We have very little energy left - so we need to use it wisely. So I’m going to offer five tips and ideas about the small things that I think can make a big difference. Small can be beautiful, but...

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Setting ourselves up for success

Setting ourselves up for success

When working as a coach or facilitator I always 'contract' with people before we start work together: we agree boundaries, expectations and ways of working. ‘Contracting’ is the technical term for these conversations, but I prefer to think of it as ‘setting things up...

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Habits: small steps towards lasting change

Habits: small steps towards lasting change

Unfortunately, despite being fully vaccinated, I caught COVID 19 recently. And whilst the acute symptoms lasted only a week I’ve been left feeling very tired – as often happens after a nasty virus. Much as I’d love to return immediately to my usual level of activity,...

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Visually thinking

Visually thinking

In Spring 2019 my friend Ann was visiting and as we were stuck indoors due to rain so I suggested that we sketched our dreams for the year ahead. I’m not very good a drawing, but I had done a similar exercise with my Action Learning set and found it really enjoyable...

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